I recently took the Burns250 show to Bearsden - to the Literary Society no less. What a wonderful evening was had by all!
A very appreciative audience made my part so much easier...and the CDs were in great demand afterwards.
My thanks to Roberta for organising it and to all who came along. We had only time for about an hour and half of Burns so a return visit was suggested and I would be delighted to go back and tell them some about our Bard.
Roberta Young from the committee of the Society, sends this feedback....
"thank you for the quite superb evening......your show was a stunning performance displaying a range of talents in a most entertaining way. The music, recitations and Power-point were presented in a spell-binding manner....This was Burns brought to life!"
Roberta, no mean Bard herself, also penned these words on my sojourn to Bearsden (on one of the snowiest nights of the year)..with apologies to Tam O Shanter...
" Weel seated in his wee car, Kev
His engine starts - his foot does rev
He skelpit on tho' Clackmannanshire
Despising wind and rain and fire
Whilst gazing forward o'er his bonnet
Hi Sat Nav kept his mind upon it
Whilst glowerin' round wi' prudent cares
Lest speed Cams catch him unawares.
The Baptist church was drawing nigh
Where the Lit. Soc meets alternate Mondies"
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